Hope and Healing with Peers...

a program designed to train peers who have “lived the experience” to companion others through their grief journeys.


…addressing issue such as “Dating After the Loss of a Spouse or Partner”, and other difficult or uncomfortable situations.

Welcome to
Hope and Healing with Peers

The stories speak the truth. The stories create hope. The stories create healing.

Workshops & Support Groups

Attending an eight week Peer Led support group allows those who wish to continue to work through their grief, an opportunity to learn to adjust to an environment in which their loved one is missing.

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Patti Comeau-Simonson

Peer Trainings

Effective facilitators come to realize that it is about creating “sacred space” in the group so that each person’s story can be non-judgmentally received. Facilitators help to create a mutual bond between the group members, help them to “trust the process” in being able to find meaning in their loss.

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The Book of Hope

This book is about providing inspiration to those who are on their grief journey by helping them to find hope in their lives again. The stories of those who have gone before them can offer living proof that people do heal after experiencing a devastating loss.

Buy the Book

Upcoming Events

Loss of Spouse/Partner Support Group (six weeks)
Wednesday: June 2, through July 7, 2021
Time: 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
This support group will work remotely with Zoom
call Patti @ 978-360-3903 or email:Patricia@hopeandhealingwithpeers.com


Build Memories to Carry With You
You will never forget, get over it, or “put it behind you and get on with life”
That’s not what healing looks like. Instead, even as you learn to let go of what can no longer be, you create memories and stories that you take with you for the rest of your life. You carry that person, their love and who you became because they lived. The greatest memorial you can build to a person who dies is to live your life now as fully as possible, enriched by their memory.

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