Week 4: Finding Moments of Joy and Gratitude

Grief can make it hard to imagine feeling joy during the holidays. You might feel conflicted—how can you smile or feel grateful when someone you love is gone? Remember, joy is not a betrayal of your loved one; it’s part of being human.

Embrace Small Joys

Notice simple moments of beauty, like twinkling lights, a favorite song, or a warm blanket. Let yourself enjoy these small comforts. Self-Care!

Give Yourself Permission to Feel Joy

You might feel guilty for moments of happiness. But joy doesn’t mean forgetting your loved one—it honors the life you’re still living. Feeling moments of happiness and joy are part of your healing and you are honoring your loved one.

Practice Gratitude

Gratitude can coexist with grief. Write down one thing each day that brings comfort, or reflect on the love and support in your life.

Create Joyful Moments in Their Memory

Engage in activities that they loved or find new ways to celebrate them. Whether it’s baking their favorite cookies or volunteering, these moments can feel connected to them.

Share Joy with Others

Spreading kindness—whether through a thoughtful note, volunteering, or a small act of kindness—can create unexpected joy.

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